Lambda Calchylus test document

Lambda calculus evaluator written with Hy.

DRAFT! 5.9.2017

System configuration

In [1]:
(import hy sys)
(print "Hy version: " hy.__version__)
(print "Python" sys.version)

Hy version:  0.13.0
Python 3.6.2 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jul 23 2017, 22:58:45) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]

Main evaluator code

In [2]:
; Copyright (c) Marko Manninen (@markomanninen), 2017
(import hy)
  (setv ; lambda expression macro name
        lambdachr 'L
        ; lambda expression argument and body separator
        separator ',
        ; TODO: these could be constructed by some lambda-term-generator macro
        forms ["CONST" "IDENT" "TRUE" "FALSE" "REPLACE" "OMIT"
               "PAIR" "HEAD" "TAIL" "FIRST" "SECOND" "NIL" "NIL?" "is_NIL"
               "ZERO" "ZERO?" "is_ZERO" "NUM" 
               "ONE" "TWO" "THREE" "FOUR" "FIVE" "SIX" "SEVEN" "EIGHT" "NINE" "TEN"
               "COND" "AND" "OR" "NOT" "XOR"
               "ADD" "PRED" "SUCC" "EXP" "SUM" "PROD" "SUB"
               "EQ?" "is_EQ" "LEQ?" "is_LEQ" "SELF" "YCOMB"
  ; is gensym?
  (defn gensym? [x] (or (= (first x) ":") (= (first x) "\ufdd0")))
  ; pretty print utility
  (defn pprint [expr]
    (if-not (coll? expr) (str expr)
      (% "(%s)" (.join " " (list-comp (pprint x) [x expr])))))
  ; safe get index for the first occurrence of the x
  ; (index (, 1 2) 0) ; -> -1
  (defn index [l x]
    (try (.index l x)
         (except [e [ValueError AttributeError]]
  ; extend and return list instead of .extend list in place
  ; provide a as a copy (.copy a) in cases where strange 
  ; recursive error behaviour is occurring
  (defn extend [a &rest b]
    (for [c b] (.extend a c)) a)
  ; church number body generator helper (N 3 m n) ; -> (m (m (m n)))
  ;(defn N [n x y]
  ;  (if (zero? n) y
  ;      (% "(%s %s%s" (, x  (N (dec n) x y) ")"))))
  ; is expr(ession) a suitable macro form?
  (defn macro-form? [expr] (and (symbol? expr) (in expr forms)))
  ; is expr(ession) or the firs sub expression a suitable macro form
  (defn form? [expr]
    (or (macro-form? expr)
        (and (coll? expr) (macro-form? (first expr)))))
  ; is expr(ession) a lambda expression i.e. starts with lambdachr: (L ...)?
  (defn L? [expr]
    (and (coll? expr)
         (symbol? (first expr))
         (= (first expr) lambdachr)))
  ; make lambda expression from body and other parts
  (defn build-lambda [body &optional [args []] [vals []]]
    (hy.HyExpression (extend [lambdachr] args [separator] body vals)))
  ; substitute lambda sub expr(ession). it requires special handler
  ; because of variable shadowing and not-coll body
  (defn substitute* [a b expr] ; (print 's2 a b expr)
    (setv p (extract-parts expr)
          args (get p "args")
          body (get p "body")
          vals (get p "vals")
          free (drop (len args) vals))
    ; first substitute a to b in possible values
    (if-not (empty? vals) (setv vals (substitute a b vals)))
    ; shadow arguments, don't substitute if a is in new arguments
    (if (in a args) expr
          ; only coll body can be iterated
          (if (coll? body)
              [(substitute a b body)]
              [(if (= a body) b body)])
          args vals)))
  ; substitute a with b in expr
  (defn substitute [a b expr] ; (print 's1 a b expr)
    (if (coll? expr)
        ; if e is lambda expression, call special handler
        (if (L? expr) (substitute* a b expr)
            ; else substitute all sub expressions
            ((type expr) (genexpr (substitute a b e) [e expr])))
        ; return substitute (b), if match is found
        (if (= a expr) b expr)))
  ; shift arguments inside functions in application expressions
  ; ((L x , x) a b) -> (L x , x a b) -> (a b)
  ; this is required to convert and evaluate substituted function forms
  ; (L x y z , ((x) y z) TRUE a b) -> ((TRUE) a b) -> (TRUE a b) -> a
  (defn shift-arguments [expr]
    (if-not (coll? expr) expr 
        (setv f (first expr))
        ;(print 'shift-arguments-1 (pprint expr))
        (if (or (L? f) (and (coll? f) (form? f)))
            (setv expr (extend ((type f) (.copy f)) (tuple (rest expr)))))
        ;(print 'shift-arguments-2 (pprint expr))
        ((type expr) (genexpr (shift-arguments e) [e expr])))))
  ; alpha renaming / compile argument names if name collision occurs
  (defn name-collision* [args expr]
    (if (coll? expr) 
        (do (setv p False)
            (for [e expr]
              (if (name-collision* args e)
                (do (setv p True)
                    (break)))) p)
        (in expr args)))
  ; alpha renaming / compile argument names if name collision occurs
  (defn name-collision [vals args e]
    (setv p False)
    (for [e vals]
      (if (coll? e)
          (if (name-collision* args e)
              (do (setv p True)
          (if (in e args)
              (do (setv p True)
                  (break))))) p)
  ; get lambda expression parts
  ; body: (x x), args: (x), values (y), and params: ([x y])
  (defn extract-parts [expr]
    (setv idx (index expr separator)
          ; expression might start with L: (L x , x ...)
          ; or without L: (x , x ...)
          ldx (if (L? expr) 1 0))
    ; if separator index is less than expected
    ; lambda expression is possibly malformed, just return the expression
    (if (< idx ldx) {"body" (if (coll? expr) (first expr) expr) "args" [] "vals" [] "params" []}
          (setv body (cut expr (inc idx))
                bodyb (first body)
                args (cut expr ldx idx)
                ; args 2 for alpha conversion
                args2 (tuple (map (fn [x] (if (gensym? (name x)) x (gensym x))) args))
                vals (tuple (rest body)))
          ; alpha conversion / variable renaming
          ; this is a brute force method. name collision should not occur because
          ; all variable names are changed and replaced. other way around would be to find out,
          ; if there are name collisions, and replace only those variable names.
          ; this might however require several loops and argument carrying for each variable and expression...
          ;(if (name-collision vals args bodyb)
          (for [[a b] (zip args args2)]
            (setv bodyb (substitute a b bodyb)))
          ; return body, args, vals, and key-value pairs based on args-vals
          {"body" bodyb "args" args2 "vals" vals "params" (zip args2 vals)})))
  ; handle macro forms extra
  (defn expand-form* [body]
    (if-not (coll? body) body
        (if (macro-form? (first body))
            (eval body)
            ((type body) (genexpr (expand-form* e) [e body])))))
  ; helper function to expand form that has custom lambda macros / forms
  ; used after everything else for the lambda form evaluation is done
  (defn expand-forms [expr]
    (if-not (none? expr)
      (if (or (symbol? expr) (coll? expr) (iterable? expr))
          (pprint (expand-form* (read-str expr)))
  ; are evaluated lambda forms same and there are no free values
  ; inside the form. because, if there are, we can still reduce the form
  (defn B? [body bodyx]
    (setv p (extract-parts body))
    (and (empty? (get p "vals")) (= body bodyx)))
  ; convert generated machine variable names to normal forms
  (defn human-readable [expr]
    (if (coll? expr)
        (genexpr (human-readable e) [e expr])
        (if (gensym? (name expr))
               (setv idx (inc (index (name expr) ":")))
               (cut (name expr) idx (inc idx)))
  ; beta reduction helper
  (defn beta-reduction* [expr]
    (setv p (extract-parts expr)
          body (get p "body")
          bodyx body
          ; rest of the free arguments that are not in params
          free (list (drop (len (get p "args")) (get p "vals"))))
    ; substitute bound arguments
    ;(print 'before-substitute-body: (pprint body) (get p "params"))
    (for [[a b] (get p "params")]
      (setv body (substitute a b body)))
    ;(print 'after-substitute-body: (pprint body))
    ; shift application arguments
    (if (coll? body) (setv body (shift-arguments body)))
    ;(print 'after-shift-arguments: (pprint body))
    ; extend body
    (if (and (L? body) (not (empty? free)))
        (setv body (extend body free)))
    ;(print 'after-extend-body: (pprint body) (not (coll? body)) (= body bodyx))
    (if (form? body)
        (if (coll? body)
            (eval (if (empty? free) body (extend body free)))
            (if (empty? free) (human-readable body) 
                (eval (hy.HyExpression (extend [body] free)))))
        (if (or (not (coll? body)) (B? body bodyx))
            (if (empty? (get p "args")) (beta-reduction body)
                (if (empty? (get p "vals")) (human-readable expr)
                    (if (empty? free) (human-readable body)
                        (human-readable (extend [body] free)))))
            (if (L? body)
                (beta-reduction body)
                ((type body) (genexpr (beta-reduction x) [x (if (empty? free) body (extend [body] free))]))))))
  ; main form beta / eta reduction steps
  (defn beta-reduction [expr]
    ;(print 'beta-reduction: (pprint expr))
    ; TODO: should we try to shift argument before everything else is done?
    ;(if (and (coll? expr)) (setv expr (shift-arguments expr)))
    ; if the form (expr) is not lambda for i.e. starting with L
    ; we still want to seek if there are sub lambda expressions
    ; (x (x (L x , x y))) should return (x (x y))
    (if (L? expr) 
        (beta-reduction* expr)
        (if (coll? expr)
            ((type expr) (genexpr (beta-reduction x) [x expr]))
            (human-readable expr))))
  ; reformulate expression, because by using L macro, L is naturally left out from the expression
  ; beta-reduction functions on the other hand relys on the L in the beginning of the expression!
  ; then pass parameters and possibly expand macro form later
  (defn evaluate-lambda-expression [expr]
    (setv expr (beta-reduction (hy.HyExpression (extend [lambdachr] expr))))
    (if (or (coll? expr) (symbol? expr))
        ; symbols and expression should be pretty "printed"
        (pprint expr)
        ; numbers for example get passed as they are
        ; this is not exactly included on lambda calculus but just a way
        ; to keep data types existing for hy and later usage

; shorthand to evaluate lambda form and expand the result
; it still has some cases, where expansion is not working as expected,
; for example: #Ÿ(SUM (SUM ONE ONE) ZERO) ; -> (x (x (ZERO x y)))
(defsharp Ÿ [expr] `(expand-forms (L , ~expr)))

; lambda expression main macro
(defmacro L [&rest expr]
  ; try except is not working alone on macro body!
  (if-not (empty? expr)
      (evaluate-lambda-expression expr)
      (except [e [RecursionError hy.errors.HyMacroExpansionError]]
        (print (str e) "for lambda expression:" (pprint expr))))))

; church number generator: (NUM 3) ; -> (L x y , (x (x (x y))))
; launch application: (NUM 3 a b) ; -> (a (a (a b)))
;(defmacro NUM [n &rest args]
;  `(L x y , ~(read_str (N n 'x 'y)) ~@args))
; Tuukka Turto (@tuturto), 2017
(defmacro NUM [n &rest args]
  (if (< n 0) (macro-error n (% "For NUM n needs to be zero or more, was: %s" n))
      (= n 0) `(L x y , y ~@args)
      (> n 0) (do (setv expr `(x y))
                  (for [i (range (dec n))]
                    (setv expr `(x ~expr)))
                  `(L x y , ~expr ~@args))))

<function _hy_anon_fn_23 at 0x000002109BB62378>

Predefined Lambda forms

These are the usual Lambda forms from textbooks. Macros are created for shorthands. They are used to make Lambda terms shorter and more comprehensible.

In [3]:
; constant, doesn't take any arguments, will return given "static" value
(defmacro CONST  [&rest args] `(L , ~@args))
; identity, return passed argument as it is
(defmacro IDENT  [&rest args] `(L a , a ~@args))
; booleans
; true, take two arguments, return the first and omit the second
(defmacro TRUE   [&rest args] `(L a b , a ~@args))
; false, take two arguments, return the second and omit the first
(defmacro FALSE  [&rest args] `(L a b , b ~@args))
; replace next argument with false, take one argument, but return a static FALSE value
; if two arguments are given, then FALSE will return the latter, in a way this is similar
; giving two arguments to FALSE
;(defmacro REPLACE [&rest args] `(L a , FALSE ~@args))
(defmacro REPLACE [&rest args] `(L a , (L a b , b) ~@args))
; omit next
(defmacro OMIT   [&rest args] `(L a , b ~@args))
; lists
(defmacro NIL    [&rest args] `(FALSE ~@args))
(defmacro PAIR   [&rest args] `(L a b s , (s a b) ~@args))
(defmacro FIRST  [&rest args] `(TRUE ~@args))
(defmacro SECOND [&rest args] `(FALSE ~@args))
(defmacro HEAD   [&rest args] `(L s , (s TRUE) ~@args))
(defmacro TAIL   [&rest args] `(L s , (s FALSE) ~@args))
(defmacro NIL?   [&rest args] `(L s , (s FALSE TRUE) ~@args))
; zero things
(defmacro ZERO  [&rest args] `(FALSE ~@args))
;(defmacro ZERO? [&rest args] `(L f , (f (L x , FALSE) TRUE) ~@args))
;(defmacro ZERO? [&rest args] `(L f , (f REPLACE TRUE) ~@args))
(defmacro ZERO? [&rest args] `(L f , (f (L a , (L a b , b)) (L a b , a)) ~@args))
; logic
(defmacro COND  [&rest args] `(L p a b , (p a b) ~@args))
(defmacro AND   [&rest args] `(L a b , (a b FALSE) ~@args))
;(defmacro AND2  [&rest args] `(L a b , (a b a) ~@args))
(defmacro OR    [&rest args] `(L a b , (a TRUE b) ~@args))
;(defmacro OR2   [&rest args] `(L a b , (a a b) ~@args))
(defmacro NOT   [&rest args] `(L p , (p FALSE TRUE) ~@args))
;(defmacro NOT2  [&rest args] `(L p a b , (p b a) ~@args))?
(defmacro XOR   [&rest args] `(L a b , (a (NOT b) b) ~@args))
; positive "church" numerals
;(defmacro ONE   [&rest args] `(L x y , (x y) ~@args))
(defmacro ONE   [&rest args] `(NUM 1 ~@args))
;(defmacro TWO   [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x y)) ~@args))
(defmacro TWO   [&rest args] `(NUM 2 ~@args))
;(defmacro THREE [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x y))) ~@args))
(defmacro THREE [&rest args] `(NUM 3 ~@args))
;(defmacro FOUR  [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x (x y)))) ~@args))
(defmacro FOUR  [&rest args] `(NUM 4 ~@args))
;(defmacro FIVE  [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x (x (x y))))) ~@args))
(defmacro FIVE  [&rest args] `(NUM 5 ~@args))
;(defmacro SIX   [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x (x (x (x y)))))) ~@args))
(defmacro SIX   [&rest args] `(NUM 6 ~@args))
;(defmacro SEVEN [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))) ~@args))
(defmacro SEVEN [&rest args] `(NUM 7 ~@args))
;(defmacro EIGHT [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x y)))))))) ~@args))
(defmacro EIGHT [&rest args] `(NUM 8 ~@args))
;(defmacro NINE  [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))))) ~@args))
(defmacro NINE  [&rest args] `(NUM 9 ~@args))
;(defmacro TEN   [&rest args] `(L x y , (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x y)))))))))) ~@args))
(defmacro TEN   [&rest args] `(NUM 10 ~@args))
; arithmetics
; add one, increase by one
(defmacro ADD   [&rest args] `(L n x y , (n x (x y)) ~@args))
; next / successor = INC = ADD
(defmacro SUCC  [&rest args] `(L n x y , (x (n x y)) ~@args))
; previous / predecessor = DEC
;(defmacro PRED  [&rest args] `(L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L x , y) (L u , u)) ~@args))
;(defmacro PRED  [&rest args] `(L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L x , y) IDENT) ~@args))
(defmacro PRED  [&rest args] `(L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L x , y) (L a , a)) ~@args))
; substract two numbers from each other
;(defmacro SUB   [&rest args] `(L k , (k (L p u , (u (ADD (p TRUE)) (p TRUE))) (L u , u ZERO ZERO)) ~(first args) FALSE ~@(rest args)))
(defmacro SUB   [&rest args] `(L m n , (m PRED n) ~@args))
; sum two numbers together
;(defmacro SUM  [&rest args] `(L m n , (m SUCC n) ~@args))
(defmacro SUM   [&rest args] `(L m n x y , (m x (n x y)) ~@args))
; multiplication, product of two numbers
(defmacro PROD  [&rest args] `(L m n x y , (m (n x) y) ~@args))
; exponent x^y
(defmacro EXP   [&rest args] `(L m n x y , (n m x y) ~@args))
; lesser or equal
(defmacro LEQ?  [&rest args] `(L m n , (ZERO? (n PRED m)) ~@args))
; equal
(defmacro EQ?   [&rest args] `(L m n , (AND (LEQ? m n) (LEQ? n m)) ~@args))
; combinators / applications
(defmacro SELF  [&rest args] `(L f x , (f f x) ~@args))
(defmacro YCOMB [&rest args] `(L f , (L x , (f (f x)) (L x , (f (f x)))) ~@args))
; some math functions
; ∑
(defmacro SUMMATION [&rest args] `(L x , (SELF (L f n , (COND (ZERO? n) ZERO (SUM n (f f (PRED n))))) x) ~@args))
; ∏ TODO: number greater than THREE will mess up the evaluation
; Also if number (n) is give first at: (PROD n (f f (PRED n))) it will mess up the thing
(defmacro FACTORIAL [&rest args] `(L x , (SELF (L f n , (COND (ZERO? n) ONE (PROD (f f (PRED n)) n))) x) ~@args))
; F TODO: implement
(defmacro FIBONACCI [])

<function <lambda> at 0x000002109BB56AE8>

Sandbox test area

In [4]:
; replace form, one argument
(, (L a , (L a b , b) l) (REPLACE l))

('(L a b , b)', '(L a b , b)')

In [5]:
; replace form, two arguments
(, (L a , (L a b , b) l m) (REPLACE l m))

('b', 'b')

In [6]:
; replace form, three arguments
(, (L a , (L a b , b) l m n) (REPLACE l m n))

('n', 'n')

In [7]:
; infix serial notation!

'(x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))))))'

Self application

In [8]:
(SELF (L f n , (COND (ZERO? n) ONE (PROD (f f (PRED n)) n))) THREE) ; 1*2*3 = 6

'(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))'

In [9]:
(L f n , (f f n)
  ; function
  (L f n , 
    ; COND
    (L p a b , (p a b) 
      ; if n is ZERO?
      (L f , (f (L a , (L a b , b)) (L a b , a)) n)
      ; then ONE
      (L x y , (x y))
      ; else PROD 
      (L m n x y , (m (n x) y)
        ; function PRED n
        (f f (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L x , y) (L a , a)) n))
        ; times n
  (L x y , (x (x (x y))))) ; 1*2*3=6

'(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))'

In [10]:
(SELF (L f n , (COND (ZERO? n) ZERO (SUM n (f f (PRED n))))) THREE) ; 1*2*3 = 6

'(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))'

In [11]:
(L f n , (f f n)
  ; function
  (L f n , 
    ; COND
    (L p a b , (p a b) 
      ; if n is ZERO?
      (L f , (f (L a , (L a b , b)) (L a b , a)) n)
      ; then ZERO
      (L x y , y)
      ; else SUM 
      (L m n x y , (m x (n x y))
        ; function PRED n
        (f f (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L x , y) (L a , a)) n))
        ; times n
  (L x y , (x (x (x y))))) ; 1*2*3=6

'(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))'

In [12]:

'(a (a (L x , (a (a x)))))'

In [13]:
(YCOMB (L f n , (COND (ZERO? n) ZERO (SUM n (f (PRED n))))) THREE) ; 1*2*3 = 6

'(x (x (x (x (x ((x (L a , (L a b , b)) (L a b , a)) ZERO (SUM x ((x (L g h , (h (g (L a , (L a b , b))))) (L x , (L a b , a)) (L a , a)) ZERO (SUM (PRED x) (PRED (PRED THREE) (PRED (PRED x)))))) y))))))'

In [14]:
  (L f n , 
    ; COND
    (L p a b , (p a b) 
      ; if ZERO? n
      (L f , (f (L a , (L a b , b)) (L a b , a)) n) 
      ; then ZERO
      (L x y , y) 
      ; else SUM 
      (L m n x y , (m x (n x y))
         ; function PRED n
         (f (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) n))
         ; times n
  (L  x y , (x (x (x y)))))

'((x (L a , (L a b , b)) (L a b , a)) (L x y , y) ((x (L g h , (h (g (L a , (L a b , b))))) (L u , (L a b , a)) (L u , u)) (L x y , y) ((x (L g h , (h (g (L g h , (h (g (L u , (L u , x) (L g h , (h (g (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) x))))) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) x))))))))) (L u , (L u , (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) x x y))) (L u , u)) (L u , u)) x (x x y)) (x (x (x (x (x y))))))'

In [15]:
(YCOMB (L f n , (COND (ZERO? n) ONE (PROD (f (PRED n)) n))) THREE) ; 1*2*3 = 6

'((x (x (x (x (x (x (L a , (L a b , b)))))))) (L a b , a) ONE (PROD ((x (x (x (x (x (x (L g h , (h (g (L a , (L a b , b))))))))))) (L x , (L a b , a)) (L a , a) ONE (PROD (PRED (PRED THREE) (PRED (PRED (PRED THREE (THREE x))))) (PRED (PRED THREE (THREE x))))) (PRED THREE (THREE x))) y)'

In [16]:
  (L f n , 
    ; COND
    (L p a b , (p a b) 
      ; if ZERO? n
      (L f , (f (L a , (L a b , b)) (L a b , a)) n) 
      ; then ONE
      (L x y , (x y)) 
      ; else PROD 
      (L m n x y , (m (n x) y) 
         ; function PRED n
         (f (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) n))
         ; times n
  (L  x y , (x (x (x y)))))

'((x (x (x (x (x (x (L a , (L a b , b)))))))) (L a b , a) (L x y , (x y)) ((x (x (x (x (x (x (L g h , (h (g (L a , (L a b , b))))))))))) (L u , (L a b , a)) (L u , u) (L x y , (x y)) ((x (x (x (x (x (x (L g h , (h (g (L g h , (h (g (L u , (L u , (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L x y , (x (x (x y)))) (L x y , (x (x (x y))) x)) x)) (L g h , (h (g (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L x y , (x (x (x y)))) (L x y , (x (x (x y))) x))))))) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L n x y , (n (L g h , (h (g x))) (L u , y) (L u , u)) (L x y , (x (x (x y)))) (L x y , (x (x (x y))) x))))))))))))))))) (L u , (L u , y)) (L u , u) (L u , u)) (x (x (x (x (x (x x)))))) y) y)'

In [17]:
(L f x , (f (f x)) (L y , (y ^ 2)) 5)

'((5 ^ 2) ^ 2)'


Function and application constructors

In [18]:
; not lambda expression
(assert (= (, 'x) (, 'x)))
; no body lambda expression
(assert (= (L ,) None))
; constant
(assert (= (L , c) 'c))
; identity, without argument
(assert (= (L x , x) "(L x , x)"))
; identity, with argument
(assert (= (L x , x y) 'y))
; select first, without arguments
(assert (= (L x y , x) "(L x y , x)"))
; select second, without arguments
(assert (= (L x y , y) "(L x y , y)"))
; select first, with arguments
(assert (= (L x y , x 1 0) 1))
; select second, with arguments
(assert (= (L x y , y 1 0) 0))
; function without arguments
(assert (= (L x y z , (x y z)) "(L x y z , (x y z))"))
; nested functions and arguments
(assert (= (L x , (L y , (L z , (z x y) l) k) j) "(l j k)"))
; nested functions, flatten arguments
(assert (= (L x , (L y , (L z , (z x y))) j k l) "(l j k)"))
; flatten functions and arguments
(assert (= (L x y z , (z x y) j k l) "(l j k)"))
; application without arguments
(assert (= (L , ((L x y z , (x y z)))) "(L x y z , (x y z))"))
; application with arguments
(assert (= (L , ((L x y z , (x y z)) a b c)) "(a b c)"))
; free argument
(assert (= (L x , x y z) "(y z)"))
; nested
(assert (= (L , ((L x y z , (x y z) x y z) a b c) 1 2 3) "((x y z) a b c 1 2 3)"))

Alpha conversion

In [19]:
; variable renaming should give right result
; instead of first substituting x with y, and then both y's with z, resulting (2 2)
; this test should give (y z) because y is bound to x and x only. latter y should not replace it
(assert (= (L x y , (x y) y z) "(y z)"))
; same should apply to deeper values too
(assert (= (L x y , (x y) (y (y z)) z) "((y (y z)) z)"))

Basic shorthand forms

In [20]:
; special macros for main lambda terms / forms
; constant
(assert (= (CONST x) 'x))
; identity, without arguments
(assert (= (IDENT) "(L a , a)"))
; identity, with arguments
(assert (= (IDENT 1) 1))
; identity, nested
(assert (= (IDENT (IDENT 1)) 1))
; boolean macros
(assert (= (, (TRUE) (TRUE 1 0) 
              (FALSE) (FALSE 1 0)) 
           (, "(L a b , a)" 1 
              "(L a b , b)" 0)))

List shorthand forms

In [21]:
; lists
(assert (= (NIL) "(L a b , b)"))
; pair constructor
(assert (= (PAIR TRUE NIL) "(s TRUE NIL)"))
; selector
(assert (= (PAIR TRUE NIL FIRST) 'TRUE))
; head and tail
(assert (= (, (HEAD (PAIR TRUE NIL)) 
              (TAIL (PAIR TRUE NIL))) 
           (, 'TRUE 'NIL)))
; is nil, simple
(assert (= (, (NIL? NIL) (NIL? TRUE)) (, 'TRUE 'FALSE)))
; is nil, head and tail
(assert (= (, (NIL? (HEAD (PAIR TRUE NIL))) 
              (NIL? (TAIL (PAIR TRUE NIL)))) 
           (, 'FALSE 'TRUE)))
; nested pairs and heads and tails
(assert (=
   (, 'TRUE 'TRUE 'NIL)))
; nil? for nested pairs
(assert (=
  (, 'TRUE 'FALSE)))
; selectors for pairs
            (, 'TRUE 'FALSE 'NIL 'NIL
               'TRUE 'TRUE 'TRUE 'NIL)))
; simple condition
(assert (=
    (, 'TRUE 'FALSE)))
; number nil? conditions
(assert (=
    (, (COND (NIL? (NUM 0)) TRUE FALSE)
       (COND (NIL? (NUM 1)) TRUE FALSE)
       (COND (NIL? (NUM 10)) TRUE FALSE))
    (, 'TRUE 'FALSE 'FALSE)))
; nil tail/head pair condition
(assert (=
    (, 'TRUE 'FALSE)))

Church numerals shorthands

In [22]:
; church numeral general generator, without arguments
(assert (= (NUM 3) "(L x y , (x (x (x y))))"))
; church numeral, general generator, with arguments
(assert (= (NUM 3 m n) "(m (m (m n)))"))
; church numeral, zero
(assert (= (ZERO) "(L a b , b)"))
; church numeral, zero with arguments
(assert (= (ZERO a b) 'b))
;(assert (= (, (ZERO) (ZERO a b) (ONE) #𝜆(TWO x y) (THREE m n))
           ;('(L a b , b)', 'b', '(L x y , (x y))', '(x (x y))', '(m (m (m n)))')
;           (, "(L a b , b)" "b", "(L x y , (x y))" "(x (x y))" "(m (m (m n)))")))

Logic operator shorthands

In [23]:
; and tests
(assert (=
; or tests
(assert (=
; not tests
(assert (= (, (NOT TRUE) (NOT FALSE)) (, 'FALSE 'TRUE)))
; xor tests
(assert (= 
; logic condition
; eval read str
(assert (= (eval (read-str "(TRUE)")) "(L a b , a)"))
; less or equal
(assert (= (, (LEQ? ONE TWO) (LEQ? TWO ONE)  (LEQ? ONE ONE) 
           (, 'TRUE 'FALSE 'TRUE))))
; equal
(assert (= (, (EQ? ONE TWO) (EQ? TWO ONE)  (EQ? ONE ONE) 
           (, 'FALSE 'FALSE 'TRUE))))

In [24]:
; math operations
; next, inc, successive
(assert (= #Ÿ(SUCC ONE) "(x (x y))"))
; add is same as succ
(assert (= (ADD ONE) "(x (x y))"))
; infix notation
(assert (= (ONE ADD ONE ADD ONE) "(x (x (x y)))"))
; previous, dec, predecessive
(assert (= (PRED THREE) "(x (x y))"))
; previous, dec, predecessor, with arguments
(assert (= (PRED THREE a b) "(a (a b))"))
; nested predecessor
(assert (= (PRED (PRED (PRED FOUR))) "(x y)"))
; previous + next is same
(assert (= #Ÿ(SUCC (PRED TWO)) "(x (x y))"))
; previous + next is same for zero
(assert (= (PRED (SUCC ZERO)) 'y))
; but previous + next is one for zero!
(assert (= #Ÿ(SUCC (PRED ZERO)) "(x y)"))
; sum two values
(assert (= #Ÿ(SUM TWO TWO) "(x (x (x (x y))))"))
; substract two x from y
(assert (= (, (SUB ONE TWO) (SUB ONE ONE) (SUB TWO ONE))
           (, "(x y)" 'y 'y)))
           (, "(x (x (x (x y))))" "(x y)" "(x y)")))
(assert (= (, #Ÿ(PROD ZERO ONE a b) #Ÿ(PROD ONE ONE a b) #Ÿ(PROD TWO TWO a b))
           (, 'b "(a b)" "(a (a (a (a b))))")))
; self application
(assert (= (SELF (L x , x) 1) 1))
; self application, fixed point
;count down to zero
(assert (= (SELF (L f n , (COND (ZERO? n) ZERO (f f (PRED n)))) THREE) 'ZERO))
; count down to one with lesser or equal comparison
(assert (= (SELF (L f n , (COND (LEQ? n ONE) n (f f (PRED n)))) FOUR) "(x y)"))
; count down to one with equal comparison
(assert (= (SELF (L f n , (COND (EQ? n ONE) n (f f (PRED n)))) FOUR) "(x y)"))

Math function shorthands

In [25]:
; summation sequence, with plain number
(assert (= (SUMMATION (L x y , (x (x (x y))))) "(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))"))
; summation sequence, with number macro form
(assert (= (SUMMATION THREE) "(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))"))
; product sequence, with plain number
(assert (= (FACTORIAL (L x y , (x (x (x y))))) "(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))"))
; product sequence, with number macro form
(assert (= (FACTORIAL THREE) "(x (x (x (x (x (x y))))))"))

Infinite loop

In [26]:
; self application recursive loop
(setv result (L x , (x x) (L x , (x x))))
(assert (none? result))

maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object for lambda expression: (x , (x x) (L x , (x x)))

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Copyright (c) 2017 Marko Manninen